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Thank you for visiting our site! The Sacred Heart of Jesus Knights of Columbus is committed to building the domestic Church through the Order’s principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Additionally, we develop strong Catholic gentlemen both within the church and community. Here, at Council 15023, the Knights support the South Euclid and Greater Cleveland communities through various projects to support causes such as Respect Life, among others.

If you are a Knight and looking to become involved with our council, please come to our next event. If you are not a member, I urge you to consider joining! The Knights is a very rewarding experience that will help you grow as a Catholic and a gentlemen. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

[btn text=”Inquire about joining” tcolor=#FFF bcolor=#4286f4 thovercolor=#FFF link=”bit.ly/council15023” target=”_blank”]

Brandon D. Robinson
Grand Knight